Covid-19 Visiting Procedure (November 2022)
Visiting by Appointment Only:
- Visiting is no longer restricted to a number of visitors and a negative LFD test is not required.
- Visiting will be by appointment only to allow us to follow the Government Guidance and to reduce and control the risk of transmission of the virus within the home to Residents. The Manager reserves the right to cancel visits at any time if circumstances with the Resident or the home change, without prior notice if necessary, although every effort will be taken to inform the visitor before their arrival.
- Visits can be arranged with a nurse by making an appointment. Orchard House - M: 079073 03135 or T: 020 8644 5095. Lodore - T: 020 8642 3088
- Visits will be appointed within a reasonable time frame and between the hours of 9 am-12 pm and 2 pm-7 pm.
- Palliative Care and End of Life visits has separate Guidance (please see below)
- Visits will be scheduled so as to facilitate the cleaning and sanitizing of the visiting area and furniture etc in between visits.
Visitor Screening:
- Visitors must inform the home of any symptoms or positive results for themselves or any close contact.
- Visitors are no longer required to have an LFD test prior to entering the home but may be required to complete a Screening Questionnaire.
- They must comply with the Infection and prevention control measures in place for their own safety and the safety of others.
Assisting Residents with access visits:
- Visits will be held in designated areas or in the Resident's room if they cannot be moved.
- Palliative Care/End of life visits are currently allowed at any time. Visiting will be different for each Resident and each case will be discussed and agreed with the nursing staff or the Manager of the home to allow for the safest and most appropriate visiting for that person and their family.
- All Visitors will be asked to try to minimize direct contact with the staff during their visit, other than with the designated staff coordinators. We all need to continue to act carefully and remain cautious.
Considerations must be made with the level of risk involved for the resident, their family/friends, and staff. Every effort will continue to be made to ensure visitors can spend quality time with their loved ones at these difficult times.
Where an outbreak occurs, visiting will be stopped as per guidance from Public Health England except for the Essential Care Giver, who can continue to visit. Every Resident in the Home has the right to nominate an essential care giver and they will be allowed to visit during outbreaks or periods of isolation, provided they are not COVID positive or self-isolating. They will be required to follow any testing regime and PPE procedures in place for the Staff.
Our Staff:
- All of our staff, including administrative and maintenance, have been trained in additional and heightened cleansing protocols and hygiene regimes.
- Staff no longer have to carry out LFD testing. However, should any Resident or Staff Member test positive PCR/LFD testing will resume after consultation with Public Health England.
Activities: The hairdresser and chiropodist are visiting regularly. More activities and entertainment are being planned. All will be subject to the home being Covid free.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. If you would like a copy of our full Visiting Policy please ask a member of staff.