By Administrator on Tuesday, 01 November 2022
Category: News


Covid-19 Visiting Procedure (November 2022)  

Visiting by Appointment Only:

Visitor Screening:

Assisting Residents with access visits:

Considerations must be made with the level of risk involved for the resident, their family/friends, and staff. Every effort will continue to be made to ensure visitors can spend quality time with their loved ones at these difficult times.

Where an outbreak occurs, visiting will be stopped as per guidance from Public Health England except for the Essential Care Giver, who can continue to visit. Every Resident in the Home has the right to nominate an essential care giver and they will be allowed to visit during outbreaks or periods of isolation, provided they are not COVID positive or self-isolating. They will be required to follow any testing regime and PPE procedures in place for the Staff.

Our Staff:

Activities: ​The hairdresser and chiropodist are visiting regularly.  More activities and entertainment are being planned.  All will be subject to the home being Covid free.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.  If you would like a copy of our full Visiting Policy please ask a member of staff.

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